Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So here are the pictures that it has taken me forever to post! This is a small glimpse into what I have been doing the past three and a half weeks!

This is the dining hall and school at the Providence campus up in the hills of Siguatepeque, where I will be interning later this summer.

With friends at the Providence dining hall for a community party with the children from the school and their families. On the left is Elizabeth Holliday, the sister of my supervisor, who will be here all summer. In the middle is Bethany who was an intern as well but who had to leave last week due to the political situation.

Lake Yojoa on the way to San Pedro Sula from Siguatepeque.

A view of the countryside right down the street from my host home.

A guard dog, perhaps?

Horses walking down the middle of the street, a common occurance!

I was able to go to a beautiful waterfall with one of the mission teams before they had to leave and it was incredible! We were able to go down under the waterfall to go swimming and rock jumping!

After going to the waterfall we went to this amazing restaurant/hotel and while we were waiting for our food we walked around and took pictures.

It was so beautiful!!

With Elizabeth and Jorge, who works for Providence as well, on a rickety bridge with the breathtaking mountains in the background!

With Cindy at a church baptism and picnic.

Karaoke, of course!


  1. Wow, it really does have gorgeous scenery!! I had no idea it looked like that. Amazing!

  2. What a beautiful country! And the mission campus looks really nice!

  3. hell yeah karaoke!!! you have no idea how much people love that here ... haha!
